Lymphatic Drainage Body

This gentle and relaxing treatment promotes lymphatic circulation, eliminates toxins and reduces water retention. By promoting the proper functioning of your lymphatic system, body lymphatic drainage helps reduce swelling, improve skin texture and promote a feeling of lightness.

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About the care

Our body lymphatic drainage is designed to offer you a holistic care experience, working in harmony with your lymphatic system to stimulate circulation and eliminate impurities. Our team of qualified estheticians will use specialized techniques to provide you with gentle and effective lymphatic drainage tailored to your individual needs. By releasing toxins from your body and improving circulation, body lymphatic drainage will help you regain a sense of lightness and well-being.

This procedure requires no downtime.

This non-invasive treatment is soothing, hydrating and generally non-irritating.

As with most procedures, HydraFacial results may vary from person to person.

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